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  Christine and Shannon, our two young backpackers, were having the time of their life, in Glasgow and then a drive up through the highlands of Scotland,1 with their new found Scottish friends: Ed, Alan and Terry. Ed, the boss man, had offered them the chance to join his team of poster sellers. The girls were thrilled about a job travelling around and earning money at the same time. They had noticed though that all the other team members were older men.
  We bounced out of our comfy hotel bed.2 Oh how Ed was looking after us! We had to be up early to head back to Glasgow with Ed and his men for a big meeting of new poster-selling recruits. We were looking forward to being told when and where we would start work. Soon the coins would be jingling3 in our pockets! Selling posters seemed to us, at that moment, to be the most awesome job on earth!
  We left the Rob Roy Hotel, and first stop was to check on the sellers in the nearby town of Aberfoyle. Alan drove as always. There we met more of Ed’s team: Jake and Fatman. Some of the sellers were quite “unusual”; it is hard to describe what I mean without seeming rude. Maybe I could say… they looked like people who had lived a rough life. But they all seemed sweet. They were rough and tough but, even on this cold morning, I noticed Fatman seemed a little chilly standing out on a drafty pavement, with his posters flapping in the wind.4 I wondered how I’d cope in the cold for hours when I was doing the same job…
  We had to keep moving towards Glasgow for the big meeting. Once in the city, we stopped outside the Great Eastern Hotel on Duke Street. The building originally had been a cotton-spinning mill5 during the industrial era. It was converted, first, to a hotel and then a hostel,6 and eventually became a hostel for homeless men. Shannon and I didn’t know this at the time.
  Our first cause for concern were all the men gathered on the steps. Nonetheless, we followed Ed in. It was a disgusting, dirty-looking mess of a place. We just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. We made the excuse that we wanted to get a cold drink and left. We waited on the opposite side of the road, both very quiet. I think for the first time Shannon and I were both wondering whether this really was all such a great idea. But we weren’t going to say anything. We were still hoping so much.
  From there we all headed to a pub called The Right Half in George Street for a big meeting of new recruits—many from other parts of the country. There was a sign in the doorway: “We do not tolerate rowdy7 behaviour”. Ed was giving the group information about future plans and new posters coming out. We were listening intently8—this was about to be our career! Ed certainly was a man who knew his business—and in complete charge. Alan, who had been outside, suddenly entered, walked up to him and whispered in his ear. Ed suddenly went quiet and looked concerned. He went from the big jovial boss to looking very sheepish,9 even a bit nervous. Then he looked at us. Something was wrong.   When the talk was over, he came up to us and took us aside. “I’m sorry,” he said in his strong Scottish accent, “but you two are causing me a lot of trouble. My wife wants to divorce me. I can’t give you a job, and you have to get going.”
  We were speechless… another blow to our job prospects10. The excitement of a job travelling while working, even if it was only selling posters, had been smashed11. We wanted to say something like… But that’s not true. That’s not fair. But we’re going to have a job and travel. But we didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t either.
  But talking wouldn’t help. Big boss Ed could not save us. It made me think of that saying, “Every man has a master.” Is it a saying? No, I think I made it up. Maybe it was a life lesson. And we didn’t want to cause trouble for anyone, so we just prepared to say goodbye.
  “Hey,” he said, “I’m sorry. Here’s £100.” We took that.
  “It’s OK,” Shannon said, “Thanks. We had a great time.”
  “Good luck with your wife.” I said, “Tell her we say she has a great husband.”
  He laughed, “Good luck too. Maybe you want to get a ride with one of the boys somewhere. There are a few heading off different places.”
  There is an old Scottish saying, “Whit’s fur ye’ll no go past ye.” This basically means that, “What is meant to happen to you, will happen to you.” Maybe the Scottish no-nonsense approach to life had already inspired Shannon and I because we immediately took this attitude.12 In addition, we had started to think about the job of poster selling in a new light13—standing on cold, windy streets selling posters; working with some rather unusual people, all of them older men; and where would we actually have lived anyway? Somewhere like the dirty Great Eastern hotel that we had visited?
  No, we were up for a new adventure.
  As Ed had suggested we catch a ride with one of his “folk”, Shannon and I wasted no time; the meeting had ended and people were starting to leave. Alan, who had been driving us around, seemed the best option. We knew him and, right at that point, he came to say goodbye. He said that he would be heading home.
  “Where is home?” I asked. “Well,” he said, “I live east, at the coast in a place called Ardrossan.”
  We hadn’t been east yet, and being at the coast would be good. We decided we might as well go because, if we were unhappy there, we could always get a lift back to Glasgow with him in a few days, as he travelled to and fro dropping posters off.14   So it wasn’t long before we were headed to that unknown town of Ardrossan, with Alan.
  “So,” we asked Alan, “What’s there to do in Ardrossan?”
  “Oh, not much,” he replied.
  We looked at each other—“Not much”! That wasn’t promising15.
  “There is a ferry from there though that goes to Arran Island.16 Oh Arran Island… what a bonny17 place to visit. I spend all my childhood holidays there hiking in the mountains, riding ponies18 and camping. It’s a beautiful, sweet place and as innocent as my childhood was. To get there, you have to cross the Firth of Clyde19.”
  Shannon and I looked at each other, joy all over our faces, and turned back to him, saying at the exact same moment,“Well that’s exactly what we want to do!” We were tired of city life and failed job attempts and, with the money that Ed had given us, maybe we should go and enjoy a little adventure in the countryside—and on an island, even better!
  Terry continued, “You two lassies20 will have a great time. You can climb Goat Fell21, the highest mountain on the island. You could also learn the history. The history of Arran goes way back—at least 10,000 years. There are the ancient standing stones; they stand double your height, and are super heavy. We don’t even know how those ancient people carried them. Usually they stand in a circle, and are near other prehistoric remains like burial cairns with flint stones and ancient bones in them.22 You could also see the pitchstone, which is a volcanic glass.23 All sorts of artifacts24 were made from the glass, and ended up all over the United Kingdom—traded by our ancient Scottish folk. Then there is Brodick Castle25. That’s close to Goat Fell…”
  That was enough. We had heard everything we needed to. We were going. Alan invited us to stay the night at his house and first thing in the morning we would set off. History, geography, culture, ponies…awaited us. This is why young people travel! To get an education and experience good wholesome26 outdoors life!
  Next month, join Christine and Shannon as they set off with ideas of educating themselves and riding ponies out in God’s green nature. A little rural adventure, after all the city life…except the island is overrun with(擠满)tattooed punks, hippies and motor bikers!
  1. backpacker: 背包客;have the time of one’s life: 过得非常愉快,享受从未有过的快乐;Glasgow: 格拉斯哥,苏格兰最大城市,英国第三大城市;the highlands of Scotland: 苏格兰高地。
  2. bounce out of: 跳出,弹出;comfy: 舒服的。
  3. jingle: 发出丁当声。   4. rough and tough: 粗魯又强壮的;drafty: 穿堂风(或过道风)大的;flap:飘动,摆动。
  5. cotton-spinning mill: 棉纺厂。
  6. convert: 使转变;hostel:(为出门在外的人提供廉价食宿的)旅社,旅店。
  7. rowdy: 吵闹的,粗暴的。
  8. intently: 专心地。
  9. jovial: 快乐的;sheepish:局促不安的,困窘的。
  10. prospects: [复](尤指工作和事业方面)成功的可能性。
  11. smash: 打破,打碎。
  12. 夏农和克里斯汀马上就接受了现实,这么看来,也许她们早已学会了这种苏格兰式务实的生活态度。no-nonsense: 实事求是的,务实的。
  13. in a new light: 用新的眼光,以另一种观点。
  14. 我们决定不妨就去东边,因为如果在那儿待得不开心,我们还可以几天之后搭艾伦的便车回到格拉斯哥,因为艾伦要来回在两地之间送海报。get a lift: 搭便车;to and fro: 来回地;drop off: 把……交到某处。
  15. promising: 有希望的,有前途的。
  16. ferry: 渡船;Arran Island: 阿伦岛,是苏格兰最大的岛屿,位于克莱德湾,岛上保留了浓厚的爱尔兰文化。
  17. bonny: 美好的。
  18. pony: 小马。
  19. Firth of Clyde: 克莱德湾,在英国苏格兰西岸,克莱德河的入海口。firth意为“(尤指苏格兰的)河口湾,港湾”。
  20. lassie: 少女。
  21. Goat Fell: 戈特山。fell意为“荒山,高地”。
  22. prehistoric: 史前的;remains:[复]遗迹;cairn:(山顶等处的)石堆,(作墓表的)锥形石堆;flint: 燧石,火石。
  23. pitchstone: 松脂岩;volcanic glass:火山玻璃(由火山喷发出来的熔岩,迅速冷却来不及结晶而形成的一种玻璃质结构岩石)。
  24. artifact:(尤指有历史或文化价值的)手工艺品。
  25. Brodick Castle: 布罗迪克城堡,位于苏格兰阿伦岛上,原是汉密尔顿公爵的宅邸。
  26. wholesome: 有益身心的。
Muncaster CastIe芒卡斯特城堡
位于内蒙古西北角的巴丹吉林沙漠是中国四大沙漠之一,连绵起伏的沙山间有144个内陆湖泊。沙山沙丘、风蚀洼地、剥蚀山丘、湖泊盆地交错分布,奇峰、鸣沙、湖泊、神泉、寺庙共同构成了巴丹吉林的“五绝” 景观。一般的游客去巴丹吉林沙漠往往都是自驾穿越,或者是骑着骆驼翻越沙山,固然有趣,但却难以鸟瞰壮丽的巴丹吉林沙漠全貌。  巴丹吉林沙漠的沙山也十分独特,在沙漠腹地密布高度约为200~300米的复合型沙山,形态
在前两期的介绍中,任我行带的队伍历经10多天考验,顺利完成了布迦神山的两段探线。本期6人小队继续前进,用时7天完成了此行的最后一段,他们又经历了哪些故事?  起始点:俄噶格乡露六卡村—雅安镇荣噶村,全程约71 公里  时间:2020年8月28日~9月3日  用时:7天D1  行程:今天是路况最差的一天,基本都在大石海里跳来跳去。翻越5294米的色娘隆措垭口,行程8.67公里,爬升846米,下降34
Influenced and even deceived by the presentation on mass media, people may hold the perspective that most British people are descendants of Anglo-Saxon, simply the white people, while American is a me
羊年侃“sheep”,猴年侃“monkey”。十二生肖(鼠rat,牛ox,虎tiger,兔rabbit,龙dragon,蛇snake,马horse,羊sheep,猴monkey,鸡rooster,狗dog,猪pig)对每个中国人来说是最熟悉不过的事,有着丰富的文化底蕴和深奥的原理(Chinese Animal Zodiac has its abundant inside information a
提名NOMINATION  庹俊卿  首位用自制皮划艇沿顺时针完成中国海岸线划行及调查的中国人提名理由  从辽宁丹东到广西东兴,从零下十七度到三十八度,庹俊卿使用自制皮划艇“蚩尤九黎号”,单人独桨历经6575公里,成为历史上首位沿顺时针完成中国海岸线划行及调查的中国人。  庹二名为庹俊卿,一个来自重庆市彭水县蚩尤九黎城的苗族小伙,家中排行老二。其父原为彭水县语文教师,桃李众多;其兄为重庆市唯一一位
购买徒步鞋之前我们要对徒步鞋的构造有个简要的了解,只有了解清楚这些部分的功能和核心科技,在挑选的时候才会更有针对性。  徒步鞋的英文Hiking Shoes,主要组成部分可以拆解为大底、中底、鞋面和内衬,另外附件还有鞋带和鞋舌。徒步鞋的重量介于登山鞋和越野跑鞋之间,通常单只重约300~450克。大底  徒步鞋的大底在行走的每一步中,都会直接接触地面,在整双鞋的结构中,无疑起了至关重要的作用。大底主
“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”、“船到桥头自然直”,这些“old sayings”向我们传达着乐观心态的重要性。我们也可以因乐观面对困难、面对人生而获益良多。然而物极必反,过度的乐观也能带来负面的影响,干扰我们应有的冷静判断。或许,我们真正需要的正是乐观和悲观思维的平衡。
和“FLTRP CUP”结缘已经有五个年头了,伴随着比赛水平的提高,我自己也在不断地学习和成长。渐渐地,我对议会制辩论的理解也越来越明晰而深刻。纵观这几年的比赛,选手的水平总是停留在某个层次上无法拔高,总有些个瓶颈无法突破。究其原因,笔者以为是中西文化的差异所致。  合作VS拆台  孙中山先生曾感叹说中国人是“一盘散沙”,说的是中国人缺乏合作精神。中国疆域太广皇帝太远、利益集团太多;“大家庭”大到
神奇巴士,《荒野生存》剧照。荒野  2020年6月19日,阿拉斯加国民警卫队派出一架CH-47契努克(Chinook)直升机,将一辆废弃60年之久的巴士从荒野之中吊起,运往未公开的安置点。这辆1946年由国际收割机公司(International Harvester)生产的K-5型巴士,曾是费尔班(Fairbanks)城市巴士142路用车。1960年,阿拉斯加育坛(Yutan)建筑公司把这辆巴士拖