法国国营铁路(SNCF)招标购买860列超大容量双层电动车组,取名为“Porteurs Hyperdenses”。这些列车分为2种类型,将运用在繁忙的地区和远郊线路上。第一类取名“Porteurs Hyperdenses Coeur deCible”,要订购具有不同长度的4个系列:从长80m及以下、295座席到长110m、475个座席
The French state-owned railway (SNCF) is bidding for the purchase of 860 large-capacity double-decker electric cars named Porteurs Hyperdenses. The trains are divided into two types and will be used on busy areas and on distant routes. The first category, entitled “Porteurs Hyperdenses Coeur de Cible”, is to order 4 series of different lengths: from 80 meters long and below, 295 seats to 110 meters long, 475 seats