回顾性分析10例百草枯中毒患者在中毒早期(<3 d)、中期(3~15 d)和后期(>15 d)的胸部影像学资料。结果显示,百草枯中毒患者肺部影像学表现因口服剂量和中毒时间不同而表现不同,肺间质改变是其共同特点。依据其胸部影像表现可判定中毒时期及后果。
Ten cases of paraquat poisoning were retrospectively analyzed in the imaging data of thorax in the early stage of poisoning (<3 days), mid-term (3 to 15 days) and later stage (> 15 days). The results showed that paraquat poisoning in patients with lung imaging performance due to different oral doses and poisoning performance of different lung interstitial changes are their common characteristics. According to its chest imaging performance can determine the poisoning period and consequences.