
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yining0209
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江淮丘陵地区,位于安徽省中部,南临长江,北濒淮河,現有耕地面积約三千二百万亩,占全省总耕地面积40%以上,粮食产量正常年份約占全省二分之一,故本区农业收成的好坏与全省国民經济的发展和人民生活的改善有着密切关系。影响本区农业生产的最重要因素是干旱。据气象記載,在近三百年中,一般每隔三至五年总有一次較大旱灾,至于局部輕的旱灾,几乎年年都有。近四至五年来,旱灾頻繁,加之蓄水保水工作做的不好,受灾减产現象相当严重,生产很不稳定。为使本区农业生产得到稳定丰收,除从气象、水利方面研究干旱規律、成因和治理措施外,在农业技术上,研究旱灾的影响与耕作栽培制度的关系,总結群众抗旱、避灾稳产保收的經驗,来减少旱灾对生产的威胁,具有重要的实践意义。現就近年来,我們在合肥、肥西、六安、霍丘、凤阳、滁县等地調查资料提出几点看法与大家共同研究。 Jianghuai hilly area, located in the central part of Anhui Province, south of the Yangtze River, north of the Huaihe River, the existing area of ​​about 32 million mu of arable land, accounting for more than 40% of the total area of ​​arable land in the province, the normal output of grain in about one-half of the province Therefore, the agricultural harvest in this area is closely related to the development of the national economy and the improvement of people’s life in the province. The most important factor affecting agricultural production in this area is drought. According to the meteorological records, in the recent three hundred years, there has always been a major drought every three to five years. As for some light drought, it occurs almost every year. In the past four to five years, frequent droughts, combined with poor water and water conservation work, led to a serious reduction in the number of affected areas and a very unstable production. In order to make the agricultural production in this area get a stable harvest, we study the relationship between the impact of drought and cultivation and cultivation system in agriculture technology, besides studying the law of drought, cause and control measures in terms of meteorology and water conservancy, sum up the masses’ Lessons learned to reduce the threat of drought to production are of important practical significance. In recent years, we have put forward some opinions on how to make joint research with you in the survey materials in Hefei, Feixi, Lu’an, Huoqiu, Fengyang and Chu County.
背景充血性心力衰竭(congestive heart failure, CHF)是多种心血管疾病晚期的一个共同归宿,严重威胁着人类的健康。其常见病因有扩张型心肌病(dilated cardiomyopathy, DCM)
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据本试验,在甜菜(Beta Vulgaris L.)纸筒育苗中、施用稀土方法以稀土拌种和烯土拌上处理为好,尤以稀土拌上处理更理想,都能促进幼苗早发、生长快、苗壮、为移栽,缓苗及提高移