Geomechanical response of overburden caused by CO2 injection into a depleted oil reservoir

来源 :Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JGTM2000
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This study investigates the hydro-mechanical aspects of carbon dioxide(CO_2) injection into a depleted oil reservoir through the use of coupled multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical modeling.Both singlephase and multiphase fluid flow analyses coupled with geomechanics were carried out at the West Pearl Queen depleted oil reservoir site,and modeling results were compared with available measured data.The site geology and the material properties determined on the basis of available geophysical data were used in the analyses.Modeling results from the coupled multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical analyses show that computed fluid pressures match well with available measured data.The hydromechanical properties of the reservoir have a significant influence on computed fluid pressures and surface deformations.Hence,an accurate geologic characterization of the sequestration site and determination of engineering properties are important issues for the reliability of model predictions.The computed fluid pressure response is also significantly influenced by the relative permeability curves used in multiphase fluid flow models.While the multiphase fluid flow models provide more accurate fluid pressure response,single-phase fluid flow models can be used to obtain approximate solutions.The ground surface deformations obtained from single-phase fluid flow models coupled with geomechanics are slightly lower than those predicted by multiphase fluid flow models coupled with geomechanics.However,the advantage of a single-phase model is the simplicity.Limited field monitoring of subsurface fluid pressure and ground surface deformations during fluid injection can be used in calibrating coupled fluid flow and geomechanical models.The calibrated models can be used for investigating the performance of large-scale CO_2 storage in depleted oil reservoirs. This study investigates the hydro-mechanical aspects of carbon dioxide (CO_2) injection into a depleted oil reservoir through the use of multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical modeling. Both singlephase and multiphase fluid flow analyzes coupled with geomechanics were carried out at the West Pearl Queen depleted oil reservoir site, and modeling results were compared with available measured data. The site geology and the material properties determined on the basis of available basisophysical data were used in the analyzes. Modeling results from the coupled multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical analyzes show that computed fluid pressures match well with available measured data. The hydromechanical properties of the reservoir have a significant influence on computed fluid pressures and surface deformations.Hence, an accurate geologic characterization of the sequestration site and determination of engineering properties are important issues for the reliability of model predictions.The com puted fluid pressure response is also significantly influenced by the relative permeability curves used in multiphase fluid flow models. Whilst the multiphase fluid flow models provide more accurate fluid pressure responses, single-phase fluid flow models can be used to obtain approximate solutions. ground surface deformations obtained from single-phase fluid flow models coupled with geomechanics are slightly lower than those predicted by multiphase fluid flow models coupled with geomechanics. Still, the advantage of a single-phase model is the simplicity. Limited field monitoring of subsurface fluid pressure and ground surface deformations during fluid injection can be used in calibrating coupled fluid flow and geomechanical models.The calibrated models can be used for investigating the performance of large-scale CO_2 storage in depleted oil reservoirs.
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