左氧氟沙星为第三代喹诺酮类抗生素,临床应用广泛,近年来国内有文献报道,本品可致精神异常,先概述如下。鲍中英等报道,患男,26岁,因肺炎给予左氧氟沙星0.3 g静滴bid,3 d后出现失眠,短暂的言语混乱,第5 d出现极度兴奋,行为异常,不能入睡。停药后予对症治疗,上述症状逐渐好转。本例患者既往有口服阿奇霉素致精神异常病史。[1]
Levofloxacin is the third generation quinolone antibiotics, widely used in clinical applications, it has been reported in the literature in recent years that this product can cause mental abnormalities, the first overview is as follows. Bao Zhongying and other reports, suffering from male, 26 years old, given levofloxacin due to pneumonia 0.3 g intravenous bid, 3 days after insomnia, short verbal chaos, 5 d appeared extremely excited, abnormal behavior, can not sleep. After stopping the symptomatic treatment, the above symptoms gradually improved. This patient had previous oral azithromycin-induced mental abnormalities. [1]