我們于1965年7—8月在××农药厂DDVP合成車間进行了劳动卫生学調查。目的在于寻找影响工人健康的不利因素,从而为改善劳动条件提供依据。 調查結果一、空气中DDVP与敌百虫的浓度:对合成車間的13个点計84个样品,用測氯离子的方法进行了分析。重点測定了脫苯罐检修时的浓度。
In July-August 1965, we conducted a survey of labor hygiene in the DDVP synthesis workshop of ×× Pesticide Factory. The purpose is to find the unfavorable factors that affect the health of workers, so as to provide the basis for improving working conditions. Findings First, the concentrations of DDVP and trichlorfon in air: 84 samples were taken from 13 points of the synthesis plant, and the method of measuring chloride ions was used for the analysis. Focus on the determination of the concentration of benzidine tank overhaul.