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活跃于20世纪五六十年代香港影坛的新联影业公司,是粤语片生产的中坚力量,也是香港左派进步电影的重要组成部分。为提升香港电影并借电影文化影响民众,“新联”由创业作《败家仔》开始就坚持“新联出品,必属佳片”的理念,采取了文艺电影为先导、多类型拓展为发展、喜剧电影为补充的创作策略。创办者之一的卢敦是创作核心之一,其导演佳作《十号风波》、《少小离家老大回》是“新联”的经典代表作。尽管在20世纪80年代初“新联”已经合并入银都机构有限公司,但其为香港电影做出的贡献却影响深远,至今仍值得影史探究。 Xinlian Film Company, active in Hong Kong film fifties and sixties of the 20th century, is the backbone of Cantonese film production and an important part of Hong Kong’s progressive film on the left. In order to enhance Hong Kong films and influence the public through film culture, “Xin Lian” has adhered to the concept of “New Products, Must Be Good Film” as its starting point, Type expansion for the development of comedy film as a complementary creative strategy. One of the founders of Ludun is one of the creative core, the director of his masterpiece “the storm on the 10th”, “little left home boss” is the “new couplet” classic masterpiece. Although “Xinlian” has been merged into Yindu Institution Co., Ltd. in the early 1980s, its contribution to Hong Kong films has far-reaching impact and is still worth exploring.
2014届高考语文成绩业已揭晓,我任教的两个文科班语文成绩在年级班级中名列前茅,成绩的取得源于年级领导的有力有序,个人的勤学巧干以及教学相长的智慧汇聚。   回望一年的文科班的教学,当领导把两个文科班交到我手中时,我立刻感觉到千钧的压力和责任,而且文科班的附加题以前从未教学过,很是感到为难,但领导的信任和期待的目光激励和鞭策了我,我立刻下了决心,化压力为动力,化为难为克难奋进。现将我一年的工作情况