在盘古山下的河南省泌阳县高店乡二门村,人们传颂着退伍军人陶广厚乐善好施,倾心构筑“两个文明”建设工程的感人事迹。他的故事像那满山遍野的山葡萄成串串。 谱写“农家乐” 大山里的世界,是一块封闭的小天地,深藏在盘古山皱褶里的二门村,长期以来300多号人过着“日出三竿爬大山。夜晚无聊听松涛”的单调、寂寞生活,人们的心头凝固着一道枯涩、乏味的风景。乐无去处还引发一些人终日赌场上泡,酒场上闹,扎堆论人非,寻衅滋事动拳脚,偷鸡摸狗的事更不鲜见。面对此情此景,陶广厚深深感到不安。为了改变村民们变调了的生活
In the village of Ermen, Gaodian Township, Biyang County, Henan Province, under the Pangu Mountain, people are praising the veterans Tao Guanghou for their kindness and demeanor and earnestly building the moving project of “two civilizations”. His story is like a string of mountain grapes over the mountains. Composing the world of “farmhouse” in the mountain, it is a closed little world with two villages hidden in the fold of Pangushan Mountain. For a long time more than 300 people lived in the monotony of “climbing the mountain with three poles in the sunrise.” , Lonely life, people’s heart solidified a withered, boring landscape. No place for pleasure also caused some people casino bubble all day long, liquor on the downtown, get together on non-human, provocative move, fooling around the dog is even less common. In the face of this situation, Tao Guanghou deeply uneasy. In order to change the life changed by the villagers