这是33岁的罗伯特·普罗辛内斯基参加的第三次世界杯,1990年在南斯拉夫的旗帜下,1998和2002年则是为他的祖国克罗地亚而战。同样,曾经在皇马、巴塞罗那这样的超级劲旅效力的他如今不得不在英格兰的甲级俱乐部朴次茅斯延续自己的运动生命。 罗伯特点燃一支万宝路,这是他和记者交谈还不到一个小时内吸的第三支烟,“我不认为自己已经到了应该退休的年龄”,他一边说着一边用手抚摸着刚剪过不久的金黄色头发,“艰久之前我曾考虑过这个问题,但真正开始思索是在我到朴次茅斯之后。”
This is the 33rd World Cup to which Robert Prosocski participated. Under the banner of Yugoslavia in 1990, he played for Croatia, his home country, in 1998 and 2002. Similarly, once in the super strength of Real Madrid, Barcelona, he has now had to continue his sports life in Portsmouth, England’s first-class club. Robert lit a Marlboro, which was the third cigarette he talked with a reporter in less than an hour, “I do not think I’ve reached the age at which I should retire,” he said, stroking his hand just by hand Soon the blonde hair, “I had thought about it for a long time, but really began thinking after I went to Portsmouth.”