流行性腮腺炎(简称流腮)70例,临床分析如下。一、一般资料 1.性别:男62例,女8例,男女之比为7.7∶1。 2.年龄:发病年龄在3~50岁,其中近半数在10岁以内。 3.职业:军人26例(37.2%),学生21例 (30.0%),学龄前儿童19例(27.1%),工人3例(4.3%),地方干部1例(1.4%)。军人构成比最高,此与我院医疗体系有关。 4.季节分布:本病一年四季都可发生,以冬春为多发。本组发病以3、4月份为高峰(30.0%),全年除9月外均为散发病例。
Mumps (referred to as stream gills) 70 cases, the clinical analysis is as follows. First, the general information 1. Gender: male 62 cases, female 8 cases, male to female ratio of 7.7: 1. 2. Age: The age of onset in 3 to 50 years old, of which nearly half of 10 years of age. 3. Occupation: There were 26 military service workers (37.2%), 21 students (30.0%), 19 preschool children (27.1%), 3 workers (4.3%) and 1 local cadre (1.4%). The highest proportion of soldiers, this hospital medical system. 4. Seasonal Distribution: The disease can occur throughout the year to winter and spring as multiple. The incidence of this group in April and April as the peak (30.0%), except for the year except September are sporadic cases.