利用Gleeble 3500热模拟试验机研究了6082铝合金在300℃~450℃、0.001s-1~1s-1条件下的流变力学行为。基于摩擦修正理论,优化摩擦修正方法,获得材料流变曲线并构建全应变本构方程。结果表明,在应变速率为1s-1的变形过程中,温度波动较小,对应力的影响较小,由温度波动造成的应力波动<1MPa;通过线性回归分析计算得到6082铝合金材料的应变硬化指数n=5.78以及变形激活能Q=155.98kJ·mol-1,构建6082铝合金高温条件下的全应变本构方程,对流变应力预测的最大误差<10%,平均相对误差为1.52%。
The rheological behavior of 6082 aluminum alloy at 300 ℃ ~ 450 ℃ and 0.001s-1 ~ 1s-1 was studied by Gleeble 3500 thermal simulation tester. Based on the theory of friction correction, the method of friction correction is optimized, the material rheological curve is obtained and the whole strain constitutive equation is constructed. The results show that the temperature fluctuates little while the strain rate is 1s-1, and has less influence on the stress. The stress fluctuation caused by temperature fluctuation is less than 1MPa. The strain hardening of 6082 aluminum alloy is calculated by linear regression analysis The index of n = 5.78 and deformation activation energy Q = 155.98kJ · mol-1. The total strain constitutive equation of 6082 aluminum alloy under high temperature is established. The maximum error of convection stress prediction is less than 10% and the average relative error is 1.52%.