
来源 :国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diaoyujiao
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背景:赞比亚一家城市结核病门诊部。目的:确认与中断治疗增加有关的患者特征,尤其是关于接受治疗的相关知识及费用因素。设计:对15岁以上、开始治疗的结核病患者进行前瞻性队列研究,采用半结构式调查表调查及对其后一周三次直接观察下治疗(DOT)就诊情况的观察。结果:301例患者中,共有76例(25.2%)中断了治疗,25例未恢复治疗。中断治疗率较高者为对治疗成功信心不足者(HR3.64;95%CI:1.42-9.31,P=0.007)及因接受治疗有明显的时间和费用限制者(HR2.67;95%CI:1.05-6.81;P=0.04)。在不同治疗阶段这些因素的影响不同,在开始治疗的90天,对治疗成功信心不足的因素影响明显,而因到门诊部接受治疗而增加交通费用的因素则多发生于治疗90天后。结论:在赞比亚,在开始治疗及治疗期间的不同阶段均可发现中断治疗的高危人群。在治疗3个月后,患者对治疗成功信心增强后,可考虑采用以家庭为基础的自我服药,这样可减少患者去门诊部接受治疗的费用。 Background: An urban tuberculosis clinic in Zambia. Purpose: To identify patient characteristics associated with increased discontinuation of treatment, especially regarding the knowledge and costs associated with receiving treatment. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study of tuberculosis patients over 15 years of age who started treatment was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire survey and observation of treatment visits (DOT) three times a week following the direct observation. Results: Of 301 patients, 76 (25.2%) discontinued treatment and 25 did not resume treatment. Those with high discontinuation rates were those who had less confidence in treatment success (HR 3.64; 95% CI: 1.42-9.31, P = 0.007) and those who had significant time and costs for treatment (HR 2.67; 95% CI : 1.05-6.81; P = 0.04). These factors have different effects at different stages of treatment, with significant effects on the lack of confidence in the success of the treatment 90 days after the start of treatment, and the increase in transport costs due to outpatient treatment most often occurring 90 days after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In Zambia, high-risk individuals who discontinue treatment may be found at various stages of treatment and treatment. After three months of treatment, the patient’s confidence in the success of the treatment may be considered as a home-based self-medication, which will reduce the cost of the patient going to the clinic for treatment.
中国医学科学院、美国哈佛医学院和陈曾熙公共卫生学院研究人员共同完成的一项研究显示,适量吃辣有助于预防慢性疾病,延长寿命。  研究人员在2004~2008年对中国10个地区约19.9万名男性和28.8万名女性的饮食习惯和健康史开展调查。被调查者年龄在30~79岁,无癌症、心脏病和中风病史。平均随访7.2年,随访期间有2万多名被调查者因病死亡。分析结果显示,在随访期间每周食用1~2次新鲜辣味食品(如辣
涠洲岛上  雷声在天空敲黑板划重点  一道闪电  刷刷刷写下几个字  很潦草。但我看到了一座小岛  儿子拍的作业  春天了。我们来谈谈读书  考研、拍片和驾照  电话那头嗯嗯嗯  并不知道南京的天空  黑板上写的是什么  我也不知道  我说南京下雨了  电话里有雷声。他说听到了  我说明天惊蛰  惊蛰就是……  话到嘴边一阵沉默  问他岛上生活。吃的如何  很好。他说。明天要去侨港海滩  和食堂师