在美国僵英语教师联合会主办的《英语杂志》上有一个不错的专栏,叫《教师倾谈》(Teacher to Teacher)。定期向全国的语文教师征集有关某个具体问题的解决之道。常常应者如云、绵囊纷至、高见迭出。由不得你不看、不学、不用。专栏的机智与务实不言自明。比如这一次,为你一下子便准备好了八个效果绝佳的作文题。它们之所以受学生欢迎,大都是由于在这些作文里,老师提倡并要求学生们:努力去幻想。幻想不是对日常生活的简单回忆,不是搜索枯肠地编写所谓的真人真事。而是寻找充足之理由,让头脑从有限的现实世界走向无限的想象空间。人类没有联想,世界将会怎样?学生不会幻想,成长的心灵又会怎样?
There is a good column in the English Magazine organized by the American League of Teacher of the United States, called Teacher to Teacher. Periodically, language teachers throughout the country are asked to resolve a specific issue. Frequently, people such as the cloud and Mianbao are in high spirits. You must not look, learn or use. The wisdom and pragmatism of the column is self-evident. For example, this time, you have prepared eight excellent essay questions for you. Their popularity among students is largely due to the fact that teachers are advocating and asking students to work hard to imagine. Fantasy is not a simple memory of everyday life. It is not a search for accustomed to the preparation of so-called real people. Instead, it seeks sufficient reason to move the mind from the limited real world to an infinite imagination. Humans do not think about it. What will the world be like? Students will not be illusions. What will happen to the growing heart?