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一.盐碱地状况及危害程度1.1现状和分布盐碱是植物生长的大害,它如同一个恶魔,每时每刻都在侵蚀着人类赖以生存的土壤。世界约有9.6×108ha盐碱地,有100多个国家存在不同程度的土壤盐渍化问题,而且每年还不断有大量的农田被吞噬。我国盐渍土的面积为5亿多亩,相当于耕地的1/3。广泛分布在我国23个省、市、自治区的平原、 I. Saline-alkali status and degree of harm 1.1 Status quo and distribution Saline is a large damage to plant growth, it is like a devil, every time in the erosion of human survival of the soil. There are about 9.6 × 108ha saline-alkali lands in the world, and soil salinization problems exist in more than 100 countries to varying degrees, and a large number of farmland are constantly being swallowed each year. The area of ​​China’s saline soil is 500 million mu, equivalent to 1/3 of the cultivated land. Widely distributed in China’s 23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the plains,