
来源 :农村.农业.农民 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiyouyou
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枣树开花多,花期长,消耗养分量大,在生长期间,落花落果现象严重,一般座果率仅占全部花量的1%左右,这是红枣产量不高的原因。因此,要夺取红枣丰产,应采取以下技术措施:一、土壤追肥。在4月底5月初,每株枣树兑水穴施尿素1.2公斤或人粪尿20公斤。缺磷、钾的枣园,每株追施过磷酸钙2公斤,氯化钾1公斤或草木灰5公斤,以促使根系与枝叶生长,从而增加花蕾和提高座果率。二、根外追肥。在开花期、幼果期用0.5%尿素和0.4%磷酸二氢钾溶液作叶面肥各喷施一次,不但能减少落花落果,提高座果率,而且能增加果重,提高品 Jujube flowering, long flowering, consumption of large amount of nutrients, during growth, falling flowers and decadent phenomenon, the general fruit set rate of only about 1% of the total amount of flowers, which is the reason for the yield is not high. Therefore, to seize the red dates high yield, should take the following technical measures: First, top soil fertilization. At the end of April and early May, each jujube watered at a watering point of 1.2 kg urea or 20 kg human excrement. Phosphorus, potassium Zaoyuan, each topdressing superphosphate 2 kg, 1 kg of potassium chloride or ash 5 kg, in order to promote the growth of roots and foliage, thereby increasing flower buds and increase fruit rate. Second, root top dressing. In flowering, the young fruit with 0.5% urea and 0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution as a foliar spray once, not only can reduce the loss of fruit, improve fruit set, and can increase fruit weight, improve the quality
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