<正>It was a cool foggy morning in Palm Beach , Florida the morning my friend dropped me off at the airport at 6 AM. He said , ' Are you really leaving toda
<正>I had a dream. Like Martin Luther King, Jr. said in a speech memorized by almost all Chinese students, I had a dream. My dream was that one day I would teac
穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。仁者无智则无生路,智者无仁则无出路。唯有智仁相合,才能真正功成名就,更好地达济天下—— 2010年10月12日中午,墨尔本Park Hyatt酒店的大礼堂里华灯璀璨,专家济济,一场隆重的颁奖礼正在拉开帷幕。当澳大利亚创新、工业、科学与研究部部长Senator Kim Carr发表了一席慷慨激昂、感人至深的颁奖辞后,一位白须飘逸、笑容亲切的长者从容走上讲台,谦逊地从