位于朝鲜半岛中部的汉江流域 ,每 5 a就会遭遇一次大洪水的侵袭。汉城以下的下游河段流域面积为 2 6 0 0 0 km2 ,其最大洪水流量有时可超过 30 0 0 0 m3 / s。该流域最近的一次特大洪水发生在 1995年 8月 ,造成 5 0人丧生 ,总财产损失达 6亿美元。这次洪水还暴露出了一些新的问题 ,例如全国范围内的交通停顿和城区的交通阻塞 ,说明国家基建系统存在着结构缺陷。汉城附近及其周围地区的汉江下游洪泛区 ,自 1990年洪水以来 ,不断受到泥沙淤积和洪水冲蚀 ,这些问题均需投入大量人力和物力进行清理
Located in the Han River basin in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, a major flood hit every 5 years. Below Seoul, the drainage area of the lower reach is 26,000 km2 and the maximum flood flow sometimes exceeds 30,000 m3 / s. The most recent catastrophic flood in the basin occurred in August 1995, killing 50 people and totaling $ 600 million in lost property. The floods also revealed some new problems, such as a nationwide traffic stop and traffic congestion in urban areas, indicating that there is a structural defect in the national infrastructure system. Floodplain areas in the lower Han River near and around Seoul, which have been subject to sedimentation and flood erosion since the floods of 1990, require considerable manpower and material resources to clean up