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西德Falk Foundation每月出版“肝脏病学快速文献评论” (HepatologyRapid Literature Review)一期,Dr.H.Falk 双博士统计该刊1985年共登载各国医学杂志中大约8000篇肝胆疾病的文摘,包括本刊(临床肝胆病杂志)沦著选篇英文摘要在内。世界肝脏病学权威、国际肝脏研究学会首任会长、美国83岁功勋教授Hans Popper博士选择其中2000多篇文摘,综合成“肝脏疾病进展(Progress in Liver diseases)”一书,内容十分丰富,高度精练,特予翻译成中文,以供国内广大医务人员的参考。但本书是文摘的文摘,不是科普读物,有的对一篇或数篇文章用一、二句话高度概括其精华,基础较差的医师可能会遇到很大困难,不易看懂,故嘱承担翻译的十位同志要注意读者的可接受性,不要简单机械直译,而读者则宜联系基本知识,才能看懂,受到教益,可以开阔眼界,鸟瞰世界肝病新貌。 Hans Popper教授已年逾古稀,每星期除周六晚间休息外,每日辛勤工作。最近他函告本刊总编辑叶维法教授,《Progress in Liver Disease 1986》一书,现正编印中。未知本刊读者对本期特载有何意见?是太深看不懂明年不要再印?还是收获较大希望明年再印?请来信告知。 The monthly publication of the first edition of the Hepatology Laboratory Literature Review by the Falk Foundation in West Germany, Dr.H.Falk dual-Dr. Statistics 1985 published a summary of about 8,000 Hepatobiliary Diseases in medical journals in various countries, including Articles (Journal of Hepatobiliary Diseases) Selected articles abstracts included. The world’s authority on liver medicine, the first president of the International Association of Liver Research, Dr. Hans Popper, 83-year-old professor of the United States, selected more than 2,000 of his abstracts to synthesize “Progress in Liver diseases,” a book rich in content, Highly concise, especially for translation into Chinese, for the domestic medical staff for reference. However, this is an abstracts digest, not popular science books, and some on one or several articles with one or two sentences highly summarized its essence, the basis of poor physicians may encounter great difficulties, not easy to understand, so The ten comrades who are responsible for translating should pay attention to the acceptability of the readers. They should not simply interpret the mechanical texts, but the readers should contact the basic knowledge to understand and be taught. They can broaden their horizons and bird’s eye view of the new appearance of the world’s liver disease. Prof. Hans Popper is over 70 years old and works hard every day except every Saturday night. Recently, he told the editor-in-chief Ye Weifa, editor of “Progress in Liver Disease 1986”, which is being printed. Unknown Our readers have any comments on this special issue? Too deep do not understand next year do not print? Or reap the greater hope that next year, printing? Please write to inform.
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