连续在北京举办了5届的“中国风险投资论坛”,围绕“中国与世界的互动”为主题在深圳召开了第六次盛会,出席论坛的60位主讲嘉宾来自全国人大、科技部、发改委、证监会等高层主管部门的官员,以及美国硅谷、欧洲、以色列、台湾、香港、内地的实务界资深人士。 专程出席本届论坛的中国人大代表常务委员会副委员长成思危认为,这也暗示深圳将成为风投退出的一个重要渠道。 为了更快熟悉和进入中国市场,国外投资商们纷纷计划与国内风投机构合作的方式,或许这正是此次论坛确定主题为“中国与世界的互动”的原因之一。
The 5 th “China Venture Capital Forum” was held in Beijing continuously. The sixth grand gathering was held in Shenzhen around the theme of “the interaction between China and the world.” The 60 speakers from the NPC, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the NDRC, SFC officials and other senior officials, and the United States in Silicon Valley, Europe, Israel, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Mainland practitioners senior practitioners. Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee attending the forum made a special trip, which also suggests that Shenzhen will become an important channel for the exit of VC funds. In order to become more familiar with and enter the Chinese market, foreign investors plan to cooperate with domestic venture capital institutions one after another. Perhaps this is exactly one of the reasons why the forum set the theme of “the interaction between China and the rest of the world.”