海带是一种低碱性食物,富含人体所需要的碘、钙、磷和多种维生素,有促进幼儿发育、消除动脉粥样硬化,抑制老年肥胖症等作用。海带的食法多种多样,除作为一般菜肴外,还可加工成多种食品。现略介绍三种: 发泡海带:将海带放在加有少量食盐、辣椒、砂糖、谷氨酸钠、醋等调味剂中浸泡,使其膨胀,并切成为片状,待其自然干燥即含水率为10~30%时即成。也可以在100~110℃的油锅内炸20秒钟。发泡海带味美可口,尤其适合儿童食用。海带饴:将海带干燥粉碎,加水制成糊状,再加入砂糖、糯米粉等均匀搅拌,即可加工成具有海带风味、香甜可口、营养丰富的海带饴。
Kelp is a low-alkaline foods, rich in human needs of iodine, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins, to promote early childhood development, elimination of atherosclerosis, inhibition of senile obesity and so on. Seaweed food law varied, except as a general cuisine, but also processed into a variety of foods. Now briefly introduce three: Foam kelp: the kelp on the addition of a small amount of salt, pepper, sugar, sodium glutamate, vinegar and other flavoring agents soaked, so that expansion, and cut into flaky, until its natural dry Moisture content of 10 to 30% Serve. Can also be fried in a pan 100 ~ 110 ℃ 20 seconds. Foaming kelp is delicious and delicious, especially for children. Kelp 饴: kelp dried and crushed, add water into a paste, then add sugar, glutinous rice flour evenly stir, you can be processed into a kelp flavor, sweet and delicious, nutrient-rich kelp 饴.