Human Aspects of Smart Technologies' Security:The Role of Human Failure

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forde88
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Security of smart technologies like smart grids and crowd energy systems cannot rely only on technical solutions,humans play a significant role in failure,security culture,information security,cyber security,trust and sharing,and perceptions and concern. This paper investigates security issues in smart technologies and the related role of human failure,whether it is intentional or unintentional.Methods that help reducing this failure are discussed. A human oriented framework for failure reduction is presented in order to enhance security. Index TermsCrowd energy,human role,intentional failure,security,smart grids,unintentional failure. 1. Introduction Many state of the art technologies are tagged with the “smart” label. In general understanding this means interconnectedness,interactivity and 4.0 automation,i.e. the application of sensors and information and communication technology(SICT) and processing an ever-changingand expandingdata/knowledge base. From a higher point of view “smart” stands but for more than just the above-mentioned technical aspects; also and in particular social,political,economic and ecological aspects will be addressed. This means that “smart meets challenges to improve sustainable welfare”[1]. In this sense,for example,the term smart grid addresses not only the communicative interconnection and control of the entities of a power system,i.e. technology,but precisely also sustainability,conservation of resources,renewability,and efficiency. Security has been very important for new technologies and systems like electrical grids and power plants. These need to be secured carefully because weaknesses in the security might lead to partial damage and reduction of service in several ways. In extreme cases destruction can hap- Security of smart technologies like smart grids and crowd energy systems can not rely only on technical solutions, humans play a significant role in failure, security culture, information security, cyber security, trust and sharing, and perceptions and concern. This paper investigates security issues in smart technologies and the related role of human failure, whether it is intentional or unintentional. Methods that help reduce this failure are discussed. A human oriented framework for failure reduction is presented in order to enhance security. Index TermsCrowd energy, human role, intentional failure , security, smart grids, unintentional failure. 1. Introduction Many state of the art technologies are tagged with the “smart” label. In general understanding this means interconnectedness, interactivity and 4.0 automation, ie the application of sensors and information and communication technology (SICT) and processing an ever-changing and expandingdata / knowledge base. From a higher point of view “sm art ”stands but for more than just above above-mentioned technical aspects; also and in particular social, political, economic and ecological aspects will be addressed. This means that “ smart meets challenges to improve sustainable welfare ”[1]. In this sense, for example, the term smart grid addresses not only the communicative interconnection and control of the entities of a power system, ie technology, but also also sustainability, conservation of resources, renewability, and efficiency. Security has been very important for new technologies and systems like electrical grids and power plants. Both need to be secured carefully because weaknesses in the security might lead to partial damage and reduction of service in several ways.
1 环保行业发展趋势rn随着我国经济实力不断增加,对环保也越来越重视,“十三五”规划中,环保地位空前提升,带来投资需求大幅增长.环保绿色美丽中国被纳入“十三五”6个重要目
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