目的总结胃肠间质瘤的临床特点和治疗体会。方法胃肠间质瘤患者21例,均行手术治疗,术后行病理及免疫组织化学检查,中、高危患者术后口服伊马替尼靶向治疗。结果 21例患者术后病理检查提示良性9例,12例潜在恶性或恶性,属中、高危患者,口服伊马替尼可提高生存率。结论手术是胃肠间质瘤的主要治疗方法,靶向药物具有延缓胃肠间质瘤复发和转移的作用。
Objective To summarize the clinical features and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Methods Twenty-one patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors were undergone surgical treatment. Postoperative pathology and immunohistochemistry were performed. Patients with moderate and high risk were treated with imatinib after targeted therapy. Results The pathological examination of 21 patients showed that benign in 9 cases, 12 cases of potentially malignant or malignant, is in high-risk patients, oral imatinib can improve the survival rate. Conclusions Surgery is the main treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Targeted drugs can delay the relapse and metastasis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors.