只需两年1029万美元,就可以留住弗拉德·迪瓦茨,留住球队内线攻防轴心和全联盟最会传球的大个子,但马洛夫兄弟没有这样做。是舍不得那点钞票吗?很显然财大气粗的国王老板不会在乎区区一份中产阶级合同,何况这次的竞争对手是老冤家湖人队。是因为有不可告人的队内矛盾吗?别开玩笑了,谁都知道塞黑人是国王队更衣室里最受欢迎的家伙。 其实不妨想想,如果有人敢于舍弃一张好牌,肯定意味着他手里握有更加稳妥的选择。事实上,早在2003年7月24日,一纸7年6800万的合同书将国王队和布莱德·米勒拴在一起时,迪瓦茨撤离阿科球馆的命运便已注定。起初球队管理层对米勒的定位只是迪瓦茨的替补,马洛夫兄弟认为米勒的篮板球和硬朗的作风对国王队内线将是很好的补充,谁都不会天真地指望做惯苦力的米勒能摇身一变接过迪瓦茨内线轴心的衣钵。 米勒想证明自己是个超乎想象的家伙。于是这个2.13米,118公斤的白人中锋首先缴纳了场均14.1分,10.3个篮板球,1.19次盖帽,投篮命中率51%的亮眼数据,人们为国王队挑中了一名优秀的内线金刚而啧啧称羡,却更惊叹于那安静地躺在成绩单角落的场均4.3次助攻和赛季两次“三双”记录(这两项统计在全联盟的中锋里皆名列第二)。“我们期待他能有良好的表现,”国王队主帅里克·阿德尔曼如是说,?
With just $ 10.29 million in two years, Vlad Divac can be retained, retaining the team’s offensive and defensive axis and the big man the league can best pass, but the Marloves did not. Is it reluctant to point that money? Obviously rich and powerful king owner will not care about a middle-class contract area, not to mention the rival is the old rival Lakers. Is it because of the ulterior contradictions in the team? No kidding, everyone knows that the Blacks are the most popular guy in the Kings locker room. In fact, think about it, if someone dares to give up a good card, certainly means he has a more secure choice in his hand. In fact, as early as July 24, 2003, a 7-year, 68-million-dollar contract tied the King to Brad Miller, the fate of Divac to evacuate the Arco Arena has been doomed. Initially the team management position on Miller just Divac’s bench, the Mallow brothers think Miller’s rebounding and tough style of the Kings team will be a good supplement, no one will naive to expect to be used to The coolie Miller can be transformed into the mantle of Divac’s inner shaft. Miller wanted to prove he was an unbelievable guy. So the 2.13-meter, 118-kilogram white center first paid a dazzling golden goal with averaging 14.1 points, 10.3 rebounds, 1.19 blocks and shooting 51% from the field. Astonished, however, was even more astonished at the 4.3 assists per game in the transcript corners and two “triple-double” records for the season (both ranked second in the league in center). “We expect him to have a good performance,” said Kings coach Rick Adelman.