近日,1000套方正颐和T5600笔记本电脑中标广州市东山区教育局。 众所周知,在激烈的竞标过程中,“实力”是最重要的一颗砝码。方正颐和笔记本正是拥有了强劲的竞争实力,才能够在这次国内规模最大的笔记本招标中脱颖而出,拔得头筹。 方正颐和的核心竞争力首先来自于方正电脑“以客户为中心”的企业发展宗旨。因为只有深切关注本
Recently, 1000 sets of Founder and T5600 laptop won the bidding of Dongshan District, Guangzhou City Board of Education. As we all know, in the fierce bidding process, “strength” is the most important weight. Founder Yi and notebook is precisely has a strong competitive edge in order to stand out in the country’s largest notebook tender, come out on top. Founder Rhythm and the core competitiveness of Founder computer from the first “customer-centric” business development purposes. Because only deeply concerned about this