为给学生的写作带来新鲜感,且立竿见影,收效显著,我设想以写小说的笔法来指导学生写一般的记叙文——记叙文的龙身骨架,小说的眼睛。具体实施:分镜头切入。 《我的老师大伙伴》,初稿是这样引出人物的:“记得开学的第一节课是语文。铃声一响,一位身材魁梧的老师走了进来。 ‘我姓王。’语文老师在黑板上写了一个大大的‘王’字……” 语句顺畅,交待清楚。只是人物除了“身材魁梧”外,再无其他描写。而实
In order to bring freshness to the students’ writing, and get immediate results with remarkable results, I envision the writing of novels to guide students in writing general narratives—the skeleton of the narrative text and the eyes of the novel. Specific implementation: cut into shots. “My teacher’s big partner”, the first draft of this led to the characters: “Remember that the first lesson of the school was language. A bell sounded, a burly teacher came in. ’My name is Wang.’ Language teacher at the blackboard A big ’king’ was written...” The statement is smooth and clear. Only the characters are not depicted except for the “burly figure.” Real