《中外建筑》发端于北京,诞生在湖南,湖南这方热土,孕育了数不尽的文化奇葩。建筑是凝固的文化,《中外建筑》成长在这块肥沃的土地上,一方面放眼世界,另一方面尽情吮吸着乡土的乳汁,散发出浓郁的地方色彩,楚风湘韵,蔚成大观。 说到楚,其源之远,其流之长,在华夏的历史上,无疑是宏伟辉煌的乐章。如果从纵向去品察,远在夏、商、西周三代,湖南即以其“蛮夷”所在的“荒服”之列,生息在此的各民族先民便创造了光辉夺目的青铜文化,为中华民族古老文明的发展
“Chinese and foreign architecture” originated in Beijing, was born in Hunan, Hunan land of this side, gave birth to a number of wonderful exotic culture. Architecture is a solidified culture, “Chinese and foreign architecture” grows in this fertile land, on the one hand the world, on the other hand enjoy sucking the native milk, emitting a rich local color, Chu Feng Xiang Yun, Wei Cheng Grand View. Speaking of Chu, its source far, its long flow in the history of China is undoubtedly magnificent and magnificent movement. If we look closely from a vertical perspective, as far back as the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasties, Hunan, with its “shortage clothes” where the “barbarians” are located, has created a brilliant bronze culture for all our ancestors who lived there The Development of Chinese Ancient Civilization