根脉相应 同中见异——沪、港、台三地高考语文命题思路比较

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由于众所周知的原因,沪、港、台三地政治、经济、文化背景存在着明显差异,但民族历史之根却是一脉相应的。尤其是香港回归和海峡两岸“三通”的不断扩容,更是促进了三地间教育文化领域的交流沟通。本文就三地高考语文命题思路及试题特征略作概述,以便在比较中促进了解,取长补短。一、注重传统文化的积淀从考试目标及要求看,三地命题思路聚焦点之一是弘扬中华五千年文明,注重对祖国传统文化的积淀,有利于年轻一代对民族经典的传承。台湾卷(指定科目考试“国文考科”)分成两大部分。以2006年为例,第一部分为选择题,选择题中有单项选择与多项选择两类,题量总计为24题,其中涉及古 For reasons known to all, there are obvious differences in the political, economic, and cultural backgrounds of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, but the root of ethnic history is a corresponding one. In particular, the continuous expansion of Hong Kong’s return and the cross-strait “three links,” has promoted the exchanges and communication between the three places in the field of education and culture. This article gives a brief overview of the language propositions of the three college entrance examinations and the characteristics of the questions, so as to promote understanding and learn from each other. First, focus on the accumulation of traditional culture From the examination objectives and requirements, one of the focuses of the propositions of the three places is to promote the Chinese civilization of 5,000 years, pay attention to the accumulation of the traditional culture of the motherland, is conducive to the young generation of heritage of the national classics. Taiwan’s volume (specified subject test “Chinese language test section ”) is divided into two major parts. Taking 2006 as an example, the first part is a multiple-choice question. There are two types of single-choice and multiple-choice questions in the multiple-choice questions. The total number of questions is 24 questions, including ancient ones.
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