从插穗长度与龄级、外源激素浓度、插穗留叶量、插穗着生部位等方面研究了四合木硬枝扦插生根特性。结果表明:2~3 a生枝条的生根率显著高于4 a以上生枝条的生根率;外源激素浓度对生根有明显的影响,使用50mg.L-1ABT1浸泡3 h,生根率可达91%;留叶量的多少对生根有显著影响,随着留叶量的增多,生根率升高;从南、北两个采穗方向采集的插穗,生根率、生根插穗的平均生根数和平均根长之间差异均不显著;采用上部带梢枝条制成的插穗,生根率极显著高于由枝条中部和下部制成的插穗;插后3 d开始出现愈伤组织,并有少量插穗开始生根,插后6 d大部分插穗已愈合、膨大,插后7~10 d为生根高峰期。
The rooting characteristics of hardwood cutting of Tetrageda mongolica were studied from the aspects of length and age of cuttings, concentration of exogenous hormones, the amount of leaves left in cuttings and the position of cuttings in cuttings. The results showed that the rooting rate of shoots from 2 to 3 years was significantly higher than that of shoots above 4 years. The exogenous hormone concentration had a significant effect on rooting. The rooting rate reached 91 with 50mg.L-1ABT1 for 3 hours %; The amount of leaf leave had a significant effect on rooting, and the rooting rate increased with the increase of leaf retention. The average number of rooting and rooting of cuttings, rooting rate and rooting cuttings Root length of the cuttings were not significantly different. The rooting rate of the cuttings with the top shoots was significantly higher than that of the cuttings made from the middle and lower branches of the shoots. The callus began to appear on the 3rd day after the cuttings with a few cuttings After rooting, most of the cuttings had healed and dilated at 6 days after the insertion, and the peak of rooting occurred 7-10 days after the insertion.