OBJECTIVE To investigate the feasibility of employing a modified midfacial degloving in maxillectomy.METHODS Eight patients with carcinoma of the maxillary sinus underwent a modified midfacial degloving operation.The tumors were classified according to the 2002 AJCC system.The TNM staging of the cases was as follows:1 T4aN0M0,2 T3N0M0 and 5 T2N0M0.Of the 8 cases,1 patient underwent extended maxillectomy;exenteration of the orbit;tumorectomv of the sphenomaxillary and infratemporal fossae.Two patients received a total maxillectomy,and 5 a partial resection of the maxilla.Postoperative pathological report:4 well-differentiated squamous carcinoma,2 moderately-differentiated squamous carcinoma,1 mucoepidermoid carcinoma and 1 adenoid cystic carcinoma.RESULTS A modified midfacial degloving operation can sufficiently expose a field of operation,resect the tumor within a safe margin,and leave no facial cicatricles.One patient died of intracranial metastasis 8 months after operation.We observed no recurrences or metastasis in other patients during the period of follow-up.CONCLUSION The major advantages of employing the modified midfaciaI degloving in maxillectomy is that a facial incision can be avoided.It has an advantage of minimal invasive surgery.