
来源 :制度经济学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyob
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基于《中国综合社会调查CGSS》数据,本文应用双边随机边界模型实证测度了我国劳动力市场上劳资双方掌握信息程度及其对最终工资的影响效应。发现总体上看,(1)劳动者由于信息不对称产生的“收入不足”现象较为普遍存在,平均意义上,企业在信息不对称下所获得的工资剩余将使工资水平低于均衡工资47.17%;而劳动者剩余则仅能使工资水平上升21.09%。这种较大悬殊掌握信息的程度使得实际工资水平比均衡工资低26.15%。(2)年度动态分析表明在过去的近10年时间里,通过工资制度改革,劳动者“收入不足”现象仍然较为严重,说明目前需在劳动关系角度增强劳动者的谈判能力,可能从这一角度入手能够制约或减少目前劳动者工资差距的进一步扩大的问题。(3)从企业异质性、地区差异性对双方获取工资剩余估计结果来看,小规模企业的劳动者获得的工资收入偏离均衡工资水平比中等规模、大规模企业组更为严重;东部地区企业劳动者获得的实际工资偏离均衡工资的程度小于其他区域的企业,同时发现到2011年,中、东、西三地区的劳动者工资收入已逐渐出现“趋同”的状态。(4)从劳动者个体特征来看,发现在50%、75%分位数上研究生以上学历劳动者的谈判能力反而强于企业谈判能力;同时从工资满意度的角度,发现工作非常不满意以及一般满意的劳动者,其工资谈判能力反而强于企业,但工作非常满意和比较满意的劳动者,其获得的工资较均衡工资平均低。最后在此基础上提出本文的相关建议。 Based on the data of China General Social Survey (CGSS), this paper uses the bilateral stochastic frontier model to empirically measure the degree of mastery of information between employers and employees in China's labor market and its effect on the final wage. The findings are as follows: (1) The phenomenon of “insufficient income ” caused by asymmetric information is common in laborers. On the average, the residual wage obtained by enterprises under asymmetric information will make the wage below the equilibrium wage 47.17%; while the surplus of workers can only raise the wage level by 21.09%. This greater disparity holds the message to the extent that the actual wage level is 26.15% lower than the equilibrium wage. (2) The annual dynamic analysis shows that in the past 10 years, through the reform of the wage system, the phenomenon of “insufficient income” of laborers remains serious, which shows that at present, the negotiation power of laborers needs to be enhanced in the aspect of labor relations, Starting from this perspective can restrict or reduce the current wage gap between workers to further expand the issue. (3) From the heterogeneity of enterprises and regional differences, we can see from the estimation results of the surplus of both parties that the salary income of laborers from small-scale enterprises deviates from the equilibrium wage more serious than the middle-scale and large-scale enterprise groups. In the eastern region The real wages obtained by workers in enterprises deviate from equilibrium wages to a lesser degree than those in other regions. At the same time, it has been found that by 2011, the wage income of laborers in central, east and west regions has gradually become “convergence”. (4) From the individual characteristics of laborers, we found that the negotiation ability of laborers with graduate degree or above is stronger than the bargaining power of enterprises at the level of 50% and 75%. At the same time, we find the work unsatisfactory from the perspective of wage satisfaction As well as those who are generally satisfied, their wage bargaining power is actually stronger than that of enterprises. However, those who are very satisfied and satisfied with their jobs receive lower average wages than their average wage. Finally, based on this, I put forward the relevant suggestions in this article.
4月6日 晴  日落是一种常见的自然现象,可我却从来没有仔细观察过它。今天,我发现日落是那么美丽。  下午6点左右,我站在我家附近的一座桥上仔细地观察日落。那微红色的太阳在天空中展示着自己的美丽,虽然光芒很刺眼,但没有中午的太阳那样火辣。在太阳光照射下的河水变得波光粼粼,像小星星跳到河里尽情地玩耍似的,周围的树、楼房、草坪都披上了金色的纱巾,人们尽情享受阳光的温暖。不一会儿,太阳开始向下沉,越来越
5月13日 晴  又到了吃草莓的季节了,听说姑妈家的庭院里今年种了很多草莓,休息天,我就迫不及待地赶到姑妈家。  只见,草莓的叶子三片连在一根茎上,挨挨挤挤的,一阵微风吹来,叶子就翩翩起舞。草莓的花瓣是雪白的,它们好像害羞似的躲在茂密的叶子底下。草莓已经长出了不少,它们全身长着刺儿,没有成熟的是浅绿色的,有的已开始变成淡红色。完全成熟了的草莓就变成通红通红的了,刺儿也变成了像芝麻似的小黑点。  眼
“普九”以来,由于教育产业化导致重点中学生源大战愈演愈烈,不少初中学业很难完成的学生都纷纷进入职业高中学习,面对生源素质较低的现状,迫使职业中学的教师 Since the un
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中国科普研究所和沈阳市科协决定于2009年6月上旬在沈阳共同举办“2009《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》论坛暨第十六届全国科普理论研讨会”。 The China Science Popularizat
12月15日 小雪  冬天来了,冬天来了!北风呼呼地刮了起来,在空中翱翔的飞鸟不见了,翩翩起舞的蝴蝶和蜻蜓也不见了,笨拙的熊和狡猾的蛇都已经去冬眠了。冬姑娘拿起她手中的魔杖点了两下,天空中就飘下了雪花,那些如鹅毛般轻柔、洁白的雪花,纷纷扬扬地飘落在树上、屋顶上。顿时这里就变成了粉妆玉砌的世界。雪停了,树木披上了一层厚厚的银装,这让我不禁想到了一句诗“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。”一阵风刮来,地