本方法步骤为 :(一 )扦插快速繁殖 :苗圃棚搭建和苗圃地平整 ,育苗袋及其土壤选择 ,扦插。 (二 )浇水定根高产栽培及管理 :栽种大田的选择管理 ,种植规格 ,种植管理 ,追肥 ,中耕除草 ,浇水灌溉 ,摘芯摘果 ,修剪枝条 ,防治病虫害。本方法操作简单、育苗繁殖快、产量高、效益高 ,
The method comprises the following steps: (1) rapid propagation of cuttings: nursery shed construction and nursery ground leveling, nursery bags and soil selection and cutting. (B) Watering rooting high yield cultivation and management: selection and management of planting field, planting specifications, planting management, top dressing, cultivating weeds, watering irrigation, pick core picking fruit, pruning branches, pest control. The method has the advantages of simple operation, rapid seedling propagation, high yield, high efficiency,