作者在四年中调查了24例特发性进行性突聋患者,将其分为两组。手术组10例行鼓室探查术并以自体结缔组织封闭圆窗。非手术组14例给予药物治疗(ATP,Vit B_(12),低分子右旋糖酐及血管扩张剂)。手术组除3例于发病前曾用力擤鼻外,其余均无明显诱因。16例于发病后4至7天出现进行性听力下降,6例于病后8至14天出现进行性听力下降。手术组有9例发生旋转性眩晕,前庭机能检查显示异常。非手术组3例眩晕,2例位置性眼震。手术时间最短为发病后一周内,最长为发病后23天。8例是于发病两周内施行手术,其中4例证实为外淋巴瘘伴圆窗膜破裂,均有严重眩晕及平衡障碍。听力损失稳定后,手术组5例,非手术组6例听力曲线为高频陡降型。最大损失71dB。在听力恢复程度方面,两组
In four years, the authors investigated 24 patients with idiopathic sudden deafness who were divided into two groups. Surgical group of 10 cases of tympanic exploration and autologous connective tissue closed round window. Non-operation group of 14 patients given drug therapy (ATP, Vit B_ (12), low molecular weight dextran and vasodilators). In addition to surgery in 3 cases before the onset of force nose nose, the rest were no obvious incentive. Progressive hearing loss occurred in 16 of the patients 4 to 7 days after onset, and progressive hearing loss occurred in 6 of the patients 8 to 14 days after the onset of disease. Nine patients in the operation group had rotational dizziness, and the examination of the vestibular function showed abnormalities. Non-operation group 3 cases of dizziness, 2 cases of positional nystagmus. The shortest operative time is within one week after onset, the longest is 23 days after onset. 8 cases were operated within two weeks of onset, of which 4 cases proved to be lymphatic fistula with round window membrane rupture, all have severe dizziness and balance disorders. After the hearing loss was stabilized, the hearing curve in 5 cases in operation group and 6 cases in non-operation group was high-frequency and steep decline type. The maximum loss of 71dB. In the degree of hearing recovery, two groups