
来源 :沈阳故宫博物院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a595165933
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沈阳故宫藏有数量较多的宫廷乐器,它们是清帝东巡时带到盛京留作礼仪上演奏之用。在这些乐器中,大部分都有准确的名称,通过名称与清代《皇朝礼器图式》进行对照,可确定其使用场合。但是也有少数乐器名称值得商榷,可能是定名时仅按照乐器外形来确定,致使其与清代典籍记载的相关用途所不同,也无从查到其应用场合。兹辨识如下:红漆彩画大鼓《皇朝礼器图式》无此称谓。红漆彩画大鼓(图1)用四柱架,显然是放在固定地点演奏,而不是挎着边走边奏的。此鼓一定是用于朝堂、宫舍或祭 The Imperial Palace in Shenyang holds a large number of court musical instruments, which are used by Shengjing for ceremonial performances during the Qing Emperor’s Eastern Tour. Most of these instruments have accurate names, which are compared with the “dynasty rituals” of the Qing Dynasty by their names to determine their use. However, there are also a few instrument names that are debatable. They may be based on the appearance of the instrument only at the time of naming. As a result, they are different from the related uses recorded in the Qing dynasties and no one can find out their application. Hereby recognize as follows: Red paint bongo drum “dynasty ritual schema” no such title. Red paint bongos drums (Figure 1) with a four-post rack, apparently on a fixed location to play, rather than leaving while playing side by side. This drum must be used for chanting, houses or sacrifices