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轮南 2井为轮南潜山构造 2号高点上的一口高产油气井 ,主要产层为三叠系 ,其次为侏罗系。通过对轮南 2井油藏中流体包裹体分布特征和成分研究 ,结合轮南地区构造演化史 ,埋藏史和生烃史分析 ,明确了塔里木盆地轮南 2井三叠系油藏主要为一次油气大规模注入形成 ,油气注入时间主要在 14~ 16 Ma左右 ,油源来自于中晚奥陶纪烃源岩。侏罗系油藏则具有两次的油气注入 ,第一次的油气注入主要发生在 14~ 16 Ma左右 ,油源来自于中晚奥陶统烃源岩 ,油气沿断层垂向运移为主 ;第二期油气注入主要发生在晚喜山期 (晚第三纪早期 )之后的最近的 5 Ma间 ,主要为沿重新开启的断层向上运移、注入 ,进行油气再次分配和调整 ,可能还混有少量的陆相油注入 Lunnan 2 well is a high-yielding oil and gas well on No.2 high point in Lunnan buried hill, with the main strata being Triassic, followed by Jurassic. Based on the study of fluid inclusions distribution and composition in Lunnan 2 oil well and the analysis of tectonic evolution history, burial history and hydrocarbon generation history in Lunnan area, it is clear that the Triassic reservoirs in Well Lunnan 2 of Tarim Basin are mainly of large oil and gas The scale injection is formed, and the hydrocarbon injection time is mainly about 14 ~ 16 Ma. The oil source comes from the Ordovician source rocks in the middle and later ages. Jurassic reservoirs have two oil and gas injection, the first oil and gas injection occurs mainly in about 14 ~ 16 Ma, source of oil from the late Ordovician source rocks, oil and gas migration along the vertical fault-based ; The second oil and gas injection occurred mainly in the late 5 Ma following the Late Himalayan (early Neogene), mainly upwards along the reopened fault, injections, redistribution and adjustment of hydrocarbons, and possibly Mixed with a small amount of continental oil injection
对云南哀牢山的变质岩、混合岩及脉岩中包裹体的化学成分及碳、氢、氧进行研究 ,结果表明 ,哀牢山变质流体有多种来源 ,流体成分复杂。有互不混溶的流体水、CO2 、有机物。水
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对赋存于南秦岭泥盆系浅变质碎屑岩中的陕西太白金矿、凤县八卦庙金矿主成矿阶段的石英和含铁白云石中的流体包裹体进行研究 ,发现局部富含高盐度、含子矿物的流体包裹体 ,通
储层流体包裹体测试分析是研究油气运移、成藏时间和期次等问题的一种非常有效的方法。克拉 2气田储层流体包裹体类型及其丰度统计分析表明 ,烃类包裹体丰度与储层含油气性之