Macroeconomics has undergone three integration. In microcosmic basic research, neoclassicalism takes the theory of anticipatory formation as a bridge between macroscopical economics and neo-Keynesian constructs macroscopic theory through the explanation of the causes of wage-price stickiness and the analysis of incomplete market structure Micro-foundation. Their views on the subject of representation, rationality, equilibrium and coordination are all unreasonable, so the macro basis of microeconomics must be studied. As early as the beginning of the separation of macro-micro-economics, Keynes was concerned about this issue. Simon pioneered the “theory of satisfaction with decision-making based on bounded rationality”, and the new Keynesian studied the macro basis from the system , Its coordination failure school also put forward the theory of coordination failure. The systematic study of macroeconomic basis is post-Bealestra’s doctrine that has arisen since the 1990s. Some scholars point out that the interaction among the micro-subjects with bounded rationality leads to multiple equilibrium solutions to the economic system equations, which leads to economic cyclicality However, the coordination function of the macroeconomic system will make the economy relatively stable.