
来源 :延边党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanxi581018
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革命战争年代,中国共产党所处的生存环境十分恶劣,斗争形势极为严峻,但中共中央十分注重文艺工作在革命斗争中发挥的作用,加强了对文艺工作的指导。革命战争年代的文艺事业之所以得到稳步发展是因为艰苦的生活需要文艺活动加以调节,军民的奋斗事迹需要文艺加以反映,正确的政治方向需要文艺加以引导,高昂的斗志需要文艺工作加以鼓舞,党的领导为文艺事业的发展创造了相对宽松的环境。革命战争年代,党领导下的文艺事业的特点主要表现在中国共产党高度重视文艺事业,文艺事业不断繁荣,紧密围绕“革命”主题等方面。从党领导的文艺事业发展历程中,我们也可以得到以下几点启示,要坚持党对文艺事业的领导,确保文艺发展始终沿着正确方向;要强调人民至上,凸显服务人民的本质特色;要紧跟时代步伐,积极传播时代能量和品质;要弘扬优良传统,承担追求中国精神的使命担当。 In the era of the revolutionary war, the living conditions of the CPC were very poor and the situation of the struggle was extremely grim. However, the Central Committee of the CPC paid great attention to the role played by the literary and art work in the revolutionary struggle and strengthened its guidance over literary and art work. The reason why literary and art undertakings of the era of revolutionary war have been steadily developed is that the hard life needs to be regulated by literary activities. The performance of military and civilian needs to be reflected in literature and art. The correct political direction needs to be guided by literature and art. The high morale is encouraged by literary and artistic work. Leadership for the development of the cause of literature and art has created a relatively relaxed environment. In the era of the revolutionary war, the characteristics of the literary and art undertakings under the leadership of the Party were mainly manifested in the fact that the CPC attached great importance to the cause of literature and art, the cause of literature and art continued to flourish, and closely followed the theme of “revolution.” From the development history of the art and literature led by the party, we can also get the following enlightenment: We must uphold the party’s leadership over the cause of literature and art and ensure that the development of literature and art is always in the right direction. We must emphasize the supremacy of the people and highlight the essential features of serving the people. Keep pace with the times and actively disseminate the energy and quality of the times; carry forward the fine traditions and assume the mission of pursuing the Chinese spirit.
【正】 战后,随着科技的进步和社会经济的发展,石油的需求量迅速扩大,五十至六十年代是石油发现的“黄金时代”,全世界储量在10亿吨以上的大油田有90%是在这一时期被探明开采
目的 探究主角式教学法在宫颈癌临床教学中的应用效果。方法 选取2014年9月-2015年6月在我院妇瘤科实习的学生50名,随机分成观察组和对照组,每组各25名。对照组采用常规教学