以空间代时间法,对中亚热带区域的木荷马尾松人工林的物种多样性进行研究,以乔木种的重要值为指标进行聚类分析,将群落划分为4个恢复阶段.研究结果表明,随着时间的推移,群落的α多样性指数基本上逐渐增大,且乔木层相应的多样性指数均小于灌木层的,而草本层的变化规律不明显.群落恢复时间最长、物种多样性最高的第4阶段的Shannon-W iener指数、Simpson指数和均匀度指数分别仅为1.566、0.611、0.578(乔木层)和3.420、0.960、0.933(灌木层),远远低于其它同类天然次生林的.
The space-time method was used to study the species diversity of Pinus massoniana plantation in the subtropical region. Cluster analysis was conducted based on the importance value of arbor species, and the community was divided into four recovery stages. The results showed that, With the passage of time, the α diversity index of the community gradually increased, and the corresponding diversity index of arbor layer was less than that of shrub layer, while the change rule of the herb layer was not obvious.The community recovery time was the longest, species diversity The Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index and evenness index of the highest stage 4 were only 1.566, 0.611 and 0.578 (tree layer) and 3.420, 0.960 and 0.933 (shrub layer) respectively, much lower than that of other natural secondary forests .