桌上寄来封信,落款是“中国文化书院”。随手撕开信皮,里面夹寄的是一张招生广告,还印有书院导师名单。这名单可真把我震住了:梁漱溟、冯友兰、张岱年、李泽厚……,还有哈佛大学的杜维明、加州大学的魏斐德……。这些超一流学者真的会亲自登上社会教育的讲台吗?访访去! 按地址索寻,和平门外安平里3号。一幢呆头呆脑的方盒子楼房,全无一点“文化”的气息。书院租用其中几间办公,十几个人正在紧张地忙
Send a letter on the table, the inscription is “Chinese culture academy.” Readily tear open the letter of credit, inside the clip is an ad ad, also printed on the list of college instructors. This list really shocked me: Liang Shuming, Feng Youlan, Zhang Dainian, Li Zehou ... ... as well as Du Weiming from Harvard University and the University of California at Wakefield .... These super-class scholars really will personally boarded the podium of social education? Visit to go! According to the address search, peace outside Anping Lane on the 3rd. A dull square box building, no “cultural” atmosphere. College leased a few of them office, a dozen people are busy nervously