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九年一贯制学校是指学校的小学部和初中部实行一体化教育,学生小学毕业后直升本校初中,以保持学生教育的连贯性。九年一贯制学校弥补了分散办学的不足,可以集中区域内的办学优势,合理利用教育资源。同时可以精简学校管理人员,扩大教师比重,有利于提高教育教学水平。在九年一贯制办学实践中,通过探索、整合和总结,笔者所在的学校进一步优化教育资源,构建了以条为主、条块结合的管理模式,积累了一定的管理经验。因此,就如何进行九年一贯制学校的教育管理问题, Nine years of consistent school means that primary and secondary schools in the school have implemented integrated education. After graduating from primary school, students are enrolled in junior high schools to maintain the consistency of their education. Nine years of consistent system make up for the lack of decentralized schools, you can focus on the advantages of running a school within the region, rational use of educational resources. At the same time can streamline the school management staff, expanding the proportion of teachers, help to improve the level of education and teaching. In the practice of nine-year system-running, through exploring, integrating and summarizing, the author’s school further optimizes the educational resources, builds a management model that combines the most of the articles with the other and accumulates a certain amount of management experience. Therefore, on how to carry out the education management of a nine-year school system,
1 国家汉办第四季度主任会议在京召开 国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室(以下简称国家汉办)主任会议于2002年12月2日召开。国务院各部委主管领导及有关部门负责人出席了此次
Objective To determine the role of interleukin-8(IL-8)produced by tumor induced fibroblasts in the development of cutaneous melanoma.Methods B16 melanoma cells
吴子斌是湖南日报社年愈七旬的退休老记者。自2004年4月以来,他风雨无阻,义务护蛙,在一只只小生命得到重生的同时, Wu Zibin is the retired veteran reporter for the more
乘坐的大巴刹车出了问题 ,司机横下心把车开进路沟 ,车停住了 ,车上的人哭叫不停。我受了点轻伤 ,也被一同送到医院。候诊室 ,我看到了那个坐在我邻座的漂亮女孩眼睛受伤了 ,
在山西,孩子们都喊她“梁奶奶”,在各级妇联干部中,大家都亲切地称她“梁大姐”,而梁豫秦则觉得“梁代表”的称呼更为亲切。梁豫秦是连续两届的全国人大代表 In Shanxi, the