《中国历史大辞典·明史卷》是我国迄今规模最大、收录辞条最多、最具权威和影响的明代历史辞典 ,为人们学习和研究明史提供了重要依据和极大方便。但其中也难免疏漏舛误之处。抱着澄清史实和便于该书再版时提高辞条释文质量的目的 ,本文从释文错误、释文不准和释义不全三个方面对其中二十七个辞条的释文提出了商榷意见。
The Dictionary of History of Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty Volume, is the Ming dynasty’s historical dictionary which has the largest scale, the most encyclopedic list, the most authoritative and influential in our country, and provides an important basis and great convenience for people to study and study the history of Ming Dynasty. However, it is inevitable that mistakes should not be overlooked. With the purpose of clarifying the historical facts and improving the quality of the speech articles when the book is reprinted, this article discusses the interpretation of the twenty-seven articles from three aspects: the mistakes, the discrepancies and the incomplete interpretations.