素有百年老港之称的——青岛港,近几年来有日新月异的变化和发展。笔者曾在新闻传媒报道中得悉些情况,但那毕竟有点“耳听为虚”的感觉。 今年8月上旬,我随上海港务局宣传部组织的赴大连港出差的回归途中,正巧取道青岛港返沪,有幸在青岛港逗留一天多,尽管匆匆而过,然青岛港的变化着实给我留下了很深刻的印象。 船抵青岛港正值酷暑逼人的高温季节,气温高达35度以上。尽管烈日似火,热浪袭人,但整个码头生产依然秩序井然。现场上身穿桔红色汗衫的装卸工忙碌着,似乎与穿梭往来的拖头、铲车、门
Known as a century-old port - Qingdao Port, with rapid changes and developments in recent years. I have learned in the media coverage of some of the situation, but after all, a little “ear to ear” feeling. In early August of this year, with the return of a business trip to Dalian Harbor organized by the Propaganda Department of Shanghai Port Authority, I happened to be relying on Qingdao Port to return to Shanghai. I was lucky enough to stay in Qingdao Harbor for more than a day. Despite the hurried pass, Left a very deep impression. Qingdao arrived at the port of Hong Kong coincided with the hot summer temperatures, temperatures up to 35 degrees above. Despite the scorching sun and heat waves, the entire terminal is still in a well-ordered production. Site wearing orange undershirt loading and unloading busy, it seems that the shuttle with the tractor, forklift, door