
来源 :上海机床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:digital78
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上海机床行业是随着国外先进科学技术的传入,在手工业基础上逐步发展起来的。早在清同治元年(1867年),江南制造总局(现上海江南造船厂前身)就制造出中国第一批机床。清光绪三年(1877年),上海第一家民族资本机器工厂一发昌机器厂造出车床,并在当年《申报》刊登广告求售。民国三年(1914年),上海就出现各国最早的机床市场,并有少量出口到南洋各国及日本等地。上海机床行业的起始时间差不多跟日本明治维新创办机床工业同期起步,但由于众所周知的原因,发展十分缓慢。 The Shanghai machine tool industry has gradually developed with the introduction of foreign advanced science and technology on the basis of handicrafts. As early as in the first year of Qing Tongzhi (1867), the Jiangnan General Administration of Construction (now Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard’s predecessor) produced China’s first batch of machine tools. In the three years of the Qing dynasty (1877), Shanghai First Machine Factory of the National Capital Co., Ltd. made a lathe at the Changfa Machinery Factory, and advertised for sale in the “Declaration” of the year. In the three years of the Republic of China (1914), Shanghai had the earliest machine tool market in each country, and there were a small number of exports to countries in Southeast Asia and Japan. The start-up time of the Shanghai machine tool industry started almost in the same period as the Meiji Restoration foundry machine tool industry, but due to well-known reasons, the development is very slow.