
来源 :中国经济特区研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jma_sd
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国家与地方之间的职责分担是一个极为复杂的问题,这一问题自日本战败以来一直众说纷纭。虽然制度上是“对等”的,但事实上因为地方自治体包含在国家之中,因此在日本长久历史中所孕育的中央集权的行政形态成了常态。然而,今日的地方分权与“平成大合并”的推进以及道州制度的相互配合,地方分权正在步入真正的实施阶段。本文首先从自民党、公明党联合政权更替为以民主党为中心的政权的特定阶段,即作为过渡时期的国家与地方的职责分担为中心来把握地方分权的推进状况。通过分析国家与地方的财政状况,进一步探讨改革路线。其次,分析有关“双重行政”的地方支、分部局的缩小、废止等问题。最后,探讨有关“平成大合并”以及道州制度的导入问题,并阐述作者观点。 The division of responsibilities between nations and territories is an extremely complex issue that has been debated since Japan’s defeat. Although the system is “reciprocal”, the administrative form of centralization conceived in Japan’s long history has become the norm since the local government is included in the country. However, with the advancing of decentralization and the advent of “Heisei Consolidation” and the Daoshou system today, decentralization is entering a real stage of implementation. This article begins with the specific stages of the replacement of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Coalition Regime to the Democrat-centric regime, that is, as the center of responsibility sharing between the state and the local governments in the transitional period, to grasp the promotion of decentralization. Through analyzing the state of the country and the local finance, we should further explore the reform route. Second, we analyze issues such as the reduction or abolition of local branches and sub-bureaus on “double administration.” Finally, we discuss the importation of “Heisei University merger ” and the system of Daoshou, and explain the author’s point of view.
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