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清末民初的上海,由于华洋混处,各种西方社会组织、文化机构随处可见,西方的文化和娱乐活动也毫不缺乏,使得“海归”一族在回国后经历“重新适应”时,所遇困难最少。本文以邝富灼在上海的生活和工作为例,来探讨这位“海归人”的社会网络和文化适应问题,阐述邝氏在上海的华洋混杂社会中所扮演的角色,并列举其参与的“国际教育”工作、扶轮社、青年会、美国大学校友会以及英文翻译和教会工作等,说明他在华洋合作的机构和中西文化并存的团体中能力得到发挥,身份受到重视。 Since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, there was no lack of cultural and recreational activities in the West because of the mixed nature of the Huayang and various western social organizations and cultural institutions. As a result, the “returnees” clan experienced “re-adapting ”, The least difficulties encountered. This article takes Kuang Fu-chen’s life and work in Shanghai as an example to discuss the social network and cultural adaptation of the returnees, and to explain the role played by Kuang in the mixed Chinese and foreign communities in Shanghai. His involvement in international education, Rotary Clubs, Young Men’s Association, American University Alumni Association, English translation and church work shows his ability to play a role in the institutions of Chinese-foreign cooperation and in the coexistence of Chinese and Western cultures. Received attention.