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万客隆(MARCO)是荷兰的一家商业公司,因1968年首推出一种独特的营销方式——货仓式销售而名声大噪。这种销售方式的主要特点是仓库与商场合二为一,商场内部装修简朴,大多选建在城乡结合部,附设大型停车场。商品以实用为主,价格低廉,采用开放式货架陈列,批零兼售。它与传统的零售业截然不同,是一种以低成本、低费用、低价格和微利促销的连锁式零售商业,一经推出便深受消费者的欢迎,万客隆因此取得了巨大成功。如今,“万客隆”已经风行全世界,成为一种新型营销模式的代名词。美国目前有此类商场2200多家,年营业额在200亿美元以上。台湾于 MARCO, a Dutch commercial company, became famous for launching a unique marketing method, warehouse sales, in 1968. The main characteristic of this sales method is that warehouses and business venues are two. The interior decoration of shopping malls is simple. Most of them are built in the urban-rural junctions, and large parking lots are attached. Commodities are mainly practical, low in price, open shelf display, and wholesale and retail sales. It is totally different from the traditional retail industry. It is a chain retail business with low cost, low cost, low price, and low profit promotion. Once launched, it is popular with consumers and Wankelong has achieved great success. Today, “Wan KLung” has become popular all over the world and it is synonymous with a new marketing model. The United States currently has more than 2,200 shopping malls of this type and an annual turnover of more than US$20 billion. Taiwan