The Investigation and Analysis of Learning Motivation in English-Education Majors

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Learning motivation is regarded as the critical fact of affecting the learners’learning.This article focuses on the local normal colleges,which offer the abundant resource of teachers;guarantee the education rights of students’.This article is based on the related literature and the statistics offered by questionnaires and surveys.The participants were 80 Englisheducation majors from a local normal university in Beijing and the surveys choose randomly 6 of them to get the answer.Through these two ways,we’ve found that the main motivation type for English-education majors is instrumental motivation.Family background,society and teaching model may lead to this phenomenon.The findings suggest that teachers should guide students to utilize their learnt knowledge into use and opening a book saloon to increase their interest and understanding of teaching might be a good way to improve students’integrative motivation. Learning motivation is seen as the critical fact of affecting the learners’learning. This article focuses on the local normal colleges, which offer the abundant resources of teachers; guarantee the education rights of students’. This article is based on the related literature and the statistics offered by questionnaires and surveys.The participants were 80 Englisheducation majors from a local normal university in Beijing and the surveys choose randomly 6 of them to get the answer.Through these two ways, we’ve found that the main motivation type for English- education majors is instrumental motivation .Family background, society and teaching model may lead to this phenomenon.The findings suggest that teachers should guide students to utilize their learnt knowledge into use and opening a book saloon to increase their interest and understanding of teaching might be a good way to improve students’integrative motivation.
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【摘要】现阶段,大学英语教学是以语言基础知识为主要内容,其是属于一种通用英语的教育。但通用英语教育已然不适合社会发展对人才的要求。因此,实现由通用英语转向为学术英语是大学英语教育发展的必然趋势。这就需要重新构建教学内容、设定教学目标,重视课堂教学活动的设置,建立科学有效的教学评估体系,提升教师的综合知识水平。  【关键词】大学英语 通用英语 学术英语  随着社会经济的大跨越、科学技术的快速进步,企
【摘要】考试是教学的指挥棒。四级网考的改革对大学英语视听说教学的反拨效应不容忽视。  【关键词】四级网考 英语教学 反拨效应  一、引言  英语语言测试对中国的教育体系有着重要的影响。作为全国性水平测试的大学英语四、六级考试(CET)长期以来一直备受关注。随着网络技术的飞速发展,语言测试的介质也在发生变化。基于网络的大学英语四、六级测试(Internet-Based College English
【摘要】学习英语过程中,最大的障碍是词汇,如何巧妙攻克它?该文依据“痕迹理论”,从“音、形、义”等方面,介绍了几种比较容易掌握的记忆词汇方法,旨在帮助学习者扔掉死记硬背,轻松掌握英语词汇。  【关键词】英语词汇 发音记忆法 构词记记法 语境记忆法 联想记忆法  英语词汇,如浩瀚的海洋,崎岖的山峰,令多少人望洋兴叹,半途而废。随着社会(尤其是科技)的发展,新词剧增,且势头不减。数十万英语单词成为横亘
1. Introduction  This research is focused on different values of money between Chinese and oversea students. Specifically, it contains questions on 3 aspects: Attitudes towards money, how does money c