梁振英的故事,是香港人成功的写照。问他比别人多了些什么,何以能平步青云?他简单地说:“勤有功”。三个字说得掷地有声。 他读书勤力,小学一年级开始年年考第一;60年代全家总动员勤力穿胶花,穿到买下自己的物业;到英国读书,他又勤力炸鱼柳,半工读完学位;今天的他依然勤力,每天早上最早到公司。 “理想可以定高一些,起点无论多低,脚踏实地一步一步走上去,终有一天可以实现。” 成功路上,他一步一步接近目标。
The story of Leung Chun-ying is a portrayal of the success of Hong Kong people. Ask him what more than others, why can be all-embracing? He simply said: “diligent and active.” Three words say throwing sound. He studied hard, the first grade of primary school started the first year of exams first; 60’s family members to work hard to wear plastic flowers, wear to buy their own property; to the United Kingdom to study, he diligently fish fillets, He is still working hard today, earliest every morning to the company. “The ideal can be higher, no matter how low the starting point, go up step by step, one day can be achieved.” On the road to success, he step by step close to the goal.