患者男性,55岁,住院号002637,因进行性吞咽困难9个月,经X线食管吞钡透视及拉网发现鳞癌细胞,诊断为食管中段髓质型鳞癌,于1984年8月24日第一次收住本科,用顺氯氨铂200mg.平阳霉素180mg,冶疗好转出院。出院后月余因再度出现吞咽不畅,遂于1984年11月17日第二次收住本科。 再入院后仍采用PD方案继续第二疗程。12月24日上午当第12针平阳霉素静脉滴入后2分钟,病人立即诉心里难受、腹痛、躁动不安,口唇紫绀明显,呼吸浅而弱,脉博缓慢微弱,每分钟20次,经用副肾素、氟美松、克分子乳酸钠、碳酸氢钠,人工呼吸、给氧、呼吸兴奋剂及心脏三联针心腔内注射,血管活性药物
The patient was a 55-year-old man with a hospitalization number of 002637. He had dysphagia for 9 months due to progressive dysphagia. The squamous cell carcinomas were diagnosed as X-ray esophageal effusion and stenosis and diagnosed as meso-esophageal medullary squamous cell carcinoma. August 24, 1984. The first day of admission to undergraduate, with cisplatin 200mg. Pingyangmycin 180mg, improved treatment and discharged. After the discharge from the hospital, the remaining cause of poor swallowing occurred again on November 17, 1984. After re-admission, the PD program is still used to continue the second course of treatment. On the morning of December 24th, when the 12th needle of pingyangmycin intravenously dripped in for 2 minutes, the patient immediately complained of uncomfortable heart, abdominal pain, restless restlessness, obvious cyanotic lips, shallow and weak breathing, and slow and weak pulse, 20 times per minute. Use of pararenin, dexamethasone, sodium lactate, sodium bicarbonate, artificial respiration, oxygen, respiratory stimulants, and triple heart needle injection, vasoactive drugs