6月1日晚9时50分左右,义乌市染色厂发生一起火灾,消防大队接到报警,立即调集3辆消防车lO多名消防官兵迅速前往火场,经过15分钟的奋力扑救,大火终于被扑灭。这场大火烧毁了1个车间,面积达5百多平方米,2台烘干机1台高温定型机及大量色布被烧毁,直接经济损失29万余元。 事后,经消防部门调查,起火原因是由于职工在交接班时没有严格遵守操作程序,长时间未清除烘干机内沉积的粉尘,致使烘干机内达到一定温度后引燃了粉尘,火便顺着烘干机积满粉尘的排风管往油毛毡顶棚四处蔓延,从而导致了这场火灾。据查,该厂厂房耐火等级低,管理不善,制度不落实,职工在交接班时没有严格履行操作程序。同时,该厂主要负责人也没有参加5月20日消防部门举办的全市企事业法人代表消防安全培训,消防安全意识不强,对这起火灾事故负有领导责任,对此.消防部门根据《浙江省消防管理条例》第三十七条第八款规定,对该厂依法处以5千元的罚款,对该厂主要负责人进行了严肃批评教育。
At about 9:50 on the evening of June 1, a fire broke out in the dyeing factory of Yiwu City. The fire brigade received an alarm and immediately mobilized three fire engines to promptly go to the fire for over 10 firefighters. After 15 minutes of hard work, the fire was finally extinguished put out. The fire burned a workshop, an area of more than 500 square meters, 2 sets of drying machines, a high temperature setting machine and a large number of colored cloth was burned, the direct economic loss of 29 million yuan. After the investigation by the fire department, the cause of the fire is due to workers in the shift is not strictly abide by the operating procedures for a long time did not clear the dust deposited in the dryer, resulting in a certain temperature within the dryer ignited the dust, the fire will be Down the dryer dusty exhaust pipe to the oil felt roof spread around, which led to the fire. According to the investigation, the factory fire-resistant low grade, poor management, the system is not implemented, the transfer of workers in the workplace did not strictly implement the operating procedures. At the same time, the plant’s main person in charge did not participate in the fire safety department on May 20 organized by the fire department of the city’s corporate legal representative fire safety training, fire safety awareness is not strong, responsible for the leadership of this fire accident, which fire department under the “ Zhejiang Province Fire Management Regulations ”Article thirty-seventh eighth paragraph, the factory impose a fine of 5 thousand yuan, the plant responsible for the serious criticism and education.